Just tried T1M Mini Buffer, Mini Preamp and Mini True Bypass Box before this week’s church service. They are really awesome! Thanks Dan for these great pedals!
First for the Mini Buffer, which is exactly what I need. I need it to deal with the tone loss problem due to long cable and many true bypass pedals in the effect chain. The Mini Buffer solved my problem perfectly. Thanks to his Mini True Bypass Box too so I could easily compare the effect. I compared the tone with the whole signal chain between the guitar and the amp bypassed and I just couldn’t notice any tone difference. It is really wonderful.
The second is the preamp. I think it is great to be used to replace a minimum-gain and always-on clean booster. I am using a Xotic EP booster in this way after my drive pedals. I compared the Mini Preamp with EP booster and I found out that the Mini Preamp provides even wider and brighter tone than EP booster. The tone from EP booster is relatively softer but I think the bottom end from two pedals are very similar. (My EP booster should be in factory settings.. DIP switch bright on, bass boost off). I highly recommend the Mini Preamp to the players who wish to make their tone more beefy and present, since the Mini Preamp has an even smaller footprint than EP booster and of course has a lower price too :)
Thanks Dan again for his wonderful pedals! :)
- Feb 07 Mon 2011 10:02
[Review] T1M Mini Buffer, Mini Preamp & Mini True Bypass Box
- Oct 07 Thu 2010 15:03
我想飛 (Wo Xiang Fei) from The Generation Band / Andrew Yeo
A great acoustic song (which I didn't find until recent..) from The Generation Band's LovesonG album.
Words: Sarah Goh, Words/Music: Andrew Yeo
我想飛 飛到你的身邊
我破碎的心 等待你的出現
我想飛 飛向那藍天
永遠不後悔 你把我的心
慢慢的轉變 我好想飛
Chords are pretty typical :P
Verse/Chorus: A E/G# F#m #Cm D A Bm E
Bridge: F#m E D E
- Feb 15 Mon 2010 23:54
some accessories
- Feb 15 Mon 2010 20:33
Playing guitar with iPhone using PRS Guitarbud cable and amp simulation apps
I finally got the PRS Guitarbud iPhone guitar cable yesterday (Thanks Jeremy!).
This cable is just perfect!
- Dec 23 Tue 2008 11:14
[HOWTO] Setting up Django 1.0 on Google App Engine
This document introduces how to setting up Django 1.0 framework on Google App Engine (GAE) Application.
GAE includes Django 0.96 in the box already. However, using Django 1.0 brings you the cutting-edge power of Django framework.
The following instructions are showed on windows platform, but it applies to other platforms as well.
- Dec 16 Tue 2008 01:44
美國空運來台的新玩具: E-Bow 與 Jellifish

最近又開始進入忙碌模式, 因此這裡又停水了 (謎之聲:明明就是懶得寫還怪事情多),
除了工作很刺激之外, 生活也比較少其他新的刺激
剛剛終於拿到了 先來簡單做介紹 等玩出心得再詳細做報告
- Nov 01 Sat 2008 12:32
LoopTube - 自動重複播放YouTube影片

LoopTube - http://looptube.appspot.com
瀏覽YouTube影片時點擊Loop YouTube連結便可自動轉至LoopTube的重複播放頁面。
- Oct 23 Thu 2008 11:24
在 Google App Engine 中使用 Django 1.0
[Updated] 前陣子我寫了另外一篇解說較為詳細的HOWTO, 請參考此篇. 原本這篇內容我就刪掉了.
- Oct 21 Tue 2008 10:51
- 最無法激發創意的時間是下午4:33分,92%的受訪者表示在下午的時候會覺得沒有靈感
- 有四分之一的人為了尋找靈感而挑燈夜戰
- 當尋求靈感突破的時候,跑到浴室沖個澡是最流行的方法
- 58%的人會因為沒有立即紀錄而錯失他們的寶貴點子,其中女性在紀錄靈感上表現較佳
- 35歲以上的人中有三分之一會在他們的手背上做筆記
- Oct 17 Fri 2008 23:06